This study investigated the Information Sources and Services Provision for Conflict Resolution in Northern States of Nigeria. A survey method was used in undertaking the study. The study formulated a statement of the problem and used five research questions: What type of conflict are being experienced; what are the causes of conflict; who are the stake holders in conflict resolution; media through which information resources and services provision on conflict resolutions are being communicated; impact of information on conflict resolution in the states studied. The study covered Borno, Kaduna and Plateau States. The population of this study comprised of clerics (Imams and Pastors), Traditional Rulers, Politicians, Law Enforcement Agencies, Youth Leaders and Eye witnesses. Two hundred and twenty (220) respondents were selected. The sampling techniques employed were cluster, stratified, proportionate and simple random sampling techniques. The instrument used for collection of data was questionnaire and the data collected from the study were subjected to a descriptive analysis using frequency tables.The findings revealed that the major types of conflicts experienced in the state revolve round Farm land/grazing rights, religion, indigenous versus settler and political conflicts andthe major causes of Conflicts are Religious, Politics, Economics resources, Power sharing and Misinformation in Northern Sates of Nigeria. It also revealed the media through which information resources and services provision for conflict resolutions are communicated, they used of radio/television, tape recorder/oral discussion, archives information and Computer. The study therefore recommends that there is a need for effective management of information resources for the resolution of conflicts in the Northern states of Nigeria and these sources for information provision should be well furnished with adequate infrastructure to enhance their effectiveness.